Accessibility Tools
Alamance County has offices spread throughout the county, representing the departments that provide services to the citizens. You can find maps to these locations and basic contact information over the following pages.
Please note that the maps provided on the following pages are provided to Alamance County and its citizens by an external source and are approximate. You should contact the department or facility you’d like to visit for more accurate directions.
Resources to learn how Alamance County government functions
Whether you’re here to live, learn, or do business, whether you’re new to the area or just visiting, Alamance County is a great place to be!
We have several services on our website or hosted through other services that are available for you to interact with. These services include:
Our primary switchboard number is 336-228-1312.
If you’d like to contact us via e-mail, telephone, or in person, each of our department pages should have the contact information you need.
If you have technical questions about our website and prefer to use e-mail, please contact our county webmaster at webmaster[at]alamancecountync[dot]gov.
The Maintenance Department maintains all buildings and grounds to create a safe, comfortable, and efficient work place. Their goal is to respond to work order requests in a timely and effective manner, budget and manage capital repair projects, and analyze building operation data.
2022-2023 Workload Measures
1. Number of work orders2. Number of work orders (High)3. Number of work orders (Critical)4. Number of Projects/ Special Events5. Number of signs repair/replacements6. Number of new street signs installed7. Number of safety training hours
Updated 7/20/22
1) To further understand building maintenance costs, Maintenance will create a monthly report withmaterial costs associated with work orders.
2) To track cost effectiveness, Maintenance will maintain a comprehensive utility cost measurementprogram for all County buildings using Asset Essential Software.
3) To ensure employees/department’s facility needs are met, Maintenance will complete 81% of workorders initiated in a given month by the end of the next scheduled work day.
4) To ensure employee/department’s facility needs are met, 93% of work orders initiated in a given monthwill be completed by the end of scheduled 5-day work week.
5) To ensure employee/department’s facility needs are met, 98% of work orders initiated in a given monthwill be completed by the end of scheduled 20 to 23-day work month.
6) To track workload of departments’ needs, Maintenance will provide semi-annual report on total numberof work orders per building.
7) To ensure that departments project needs are addressed, Maintenance will coordinate any estimateand/or scope of work plan to be submitted to the requesting department and schedule any neededcontractors.
8) To increase access for county employees, Maintenance will upload all current employee policies toSharePoint.