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Alamance County has offices spread throughout the county, representing the departments that provide services to the citizens. You can find maps to these locations and basic contact information over the following pages.
Please note that the maps provided on the following pages are provided to Alamance County and its citizens by an external source and are approximate. You should contact the department or facility you’d like to visit for more accurate directions.
Resources to learn how Alamance County government functions
Whether you’re here to live, learn, or do business, whether you’re new to the area or just visiting, Alamance County is a great place to be!
We have several services on our website or hosted through other services that are available for you to interact with. These services include:
Our primary switchboard number is 336-228-1312.
If you’d like to contact us via e-mail, telephone, or in person, each of our department pages should have the contact information you need.
If you have technical questions about our website and prefer to use e-mail, please contact our county webmaster at webmaster[at]alamancecountync[dot]gov.
The Alamance County Fire Marshal’s Office strives to maintain a countywide presence through Fire Code Enforcement, Fire Prevention, Public Education, and Community Service while responding in a timely manner to reported structure fires requiring investigation.
2022-2023 Workload Measures1. Number of fire inspections conducted by FMO staff2. Number of code violations found3. Number of residential fire investigations conducted by FMO staff4. Number of commercial fire investigations conducted by FMO staff5. Percentage of fires investigated for which a cause is determined6. Number of after-hours responses for incidents other than structure fires7. Track number of times air truck is used8. Number of structure fires 8am-5pm, M-F
Updated: 7/20/2022
1) To decrease wait time for customers, the FMO will respond to permit requests within 48 hours 95% oftime.
2) To address fire investigations in a timely manner, the FMO will complete preliminary fire investigationreports within 72 hours 90% of time.
3) To continue to offer quality services, all Fire Inspectors will attend at least 8 hours of Fire Preventioncontinuing education annually.
4) To ensure timely response, the FMO will review and approve and/or reject submitted plans within anaverage of 5 days.
5) To increase resident fire education, the FMO and administrative assistant will provide the Citizens ofAlamance County Fire Safety techniques/training at a total minimum of 4 public events.
6) To better analyze patterns and trends, the FMO will map locations of all working structure fires inAlamance County.
7) To ensure safety, the FMO will complete 100% of general inspections.